Army Lt. Gen. William Caldwell shakes hands with Afghan President Hamid Karzai during a graduation ceremony for Afghan military officers, March 2010. Photo: Flickr/ISAF
U.S. Commander Accused Of Stalling Afghan Hospital Abuse Probe -- Reuters
(Reuters) - A top U.S. general in Afghanistan sought to stall an investigation into waste, abuse and mismanagement at a U.S.-funded hospital in Kabul for political reasons, a former U.S. military official will tell Congress on Tuesday.
Retired Colonel Gerald Carozza, who served as an adviser to the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan, will accuse Lieutenant General William Caldwell, then head of U.S. and NATO efforts to train Afghan security forces, of delaying a military investigation into allegations of corruption and patient abuse at the Dawood National Military Hospital.
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More News On A Probe Into The Operations Of A US Funded Afghan Hospital
Congress Widens Probe Into Afghan Hospital -- Wall Street Journal
Witnesses testifying US general opposed probe of abuse and corruption at Afghan army hospital -- Washington Post/AP
Photos show alleged neglect at U.S.-funded Afghan hospital -- CBS
Congress to hear allegations of failings at US funded Afghan hospital -- CNN
Top US Commander accused of stalling Afghanistan hospital abuse probe -- RT
Congressman criticizes top U.S. general over Afghan hospital -- CNN
Exclusive: Top General Proposed Corruption Probe He’s Accused of Blocking -- Noah Shachtman and Spencer Ackerman