A video shows smoke billowing from a mosque in the Talbeesa neighborhood of the restive central city of Homs of July 2. Radio Free Europe
US Military Confronts Nightmare Scenario Of Syrian Collapse -- Aol Defense
Call it Somalia on steroids. Call it Syria next week. Either way it's a scenario the US military needs to prepare for: an intervention into a failing state where rival factions have looted a sophisticated arsenal, from tanks to shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles to weapons of mass destruction.
There's no political will in Washington to intervene (directly) in the Syrian conflict as it now stands. The military cost of breaking down Syria's defenses outweighs the political benefit of stopping the killings.
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US 'moves new forces to Gulf' in sign to Iran --AFP
US sends floating base for special forces to Gulf to thwart Iran -- The Telegraph
Was the Turkish F-4 Phantom shot down by Syria actually a drone? A new interesting theory emerges. -- The Aviationist
Is the US restraining Turkey from military action in Syria? -- Michael Weiss, The Telegraph
Eighty-Five Syrian Soldiers, Including a General, Defect en Masse to Turkey -- New York Times
Pakistan Cabinet to decide on NATO supply lines -- AP
Why is Japan Suddenly Freaked Out by the Osprey? (Updated) -- Defense Tech
Talk of the Day -- China forms missile brigade for South China Sea -- Focus Taiwan
Military draft dispute shakes Israel coalition -- Reuters
Russia’s Arms Exports Top $6.5 Bln in H1 2012 -- RIA Novosti
Russia suspends funding for military base in Tajikistan -- Trend
Police to Monitor Russian Armed Forces -- Moscow Times
Russia's Tank Ballet Showcases Vehicles At Controversial Expo -- Huffington Post
Russian Analysts Skeptical About Arms Trade Treaty -- RIA Novosti
Germany wants more female fighters -- Global Post
British army at war over axing of historic battalions -- The Telegraph
Scottish independence: Commons defence inquiry gets under way -- BBC
US moving on nuke arms cuts decision -- Stars and Stripes/AP
Oxygen Problems on F-22 Elude the Air Force’s Fixes -- New York Times
Here Comes the Great Green Fleet -- Information Dissemination
Wasp Mystery Solved: Deployments Skipped Due to Outdated Combat System -- Defense News
New Hack-Proof GPS Could Be Huge for Military -- Mashable
Rare engine malfunction caused Virginia Navy jet crash -- CBS/AP
GOP critical of Navy's 'Great Green Fleet', $26 a gallon fuel -- FOX News
Navy to resume sinking old ships in US waters -- Stars and Stripes/AP
Firefighting C-130s placed on operational hold -- U.S. Air Force
U.S. Short On Offensive Cyber Experts -- Defense News
Army Makes Case For Funding Culture Skills Beyond COIN -- Aol Defense
US Feds Look to Fight Leaks With ‘Fog of Disinformation’ -- Danger Room
The US Government Keeps Raising Its 'Secret Keeping' Budget -- Business Insider
Military rape: The invisible war -- Rose Aguilar, Al Jazeera