Ballistic missile Ghadr, a modified version of the Shahab 3, is launched during a military exercise. (AFP Photo/Mehr News/Raouf Mohseni)
Iran To Use Mines, Missiles To Shut Hormuz -- UPI
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, July 3 (UPI) -- Iranian lawmakers call for closing the strategic Strait of Hormuz amid a sharpening confrontation in the Persian Gulf while Revolutionary Guards display their missile might against a mock U.S. base during desert exercises.
But Tehran has a range of other weapons it can use to close down the vital oil artery.
These include the hard-to-detect Chinese EM-52 "rocket mine" that's triggered by the distinctive magnetic our acoustic signature of a ship, such as a U.S. aircraft carrier, and then launches a propelled 600-popund warhead at the target.
Read more ....
Afghan air force hobbled by safety and maintenance problems -- Washington Post
Russia threatens to sell deadly missiles to Iran -- Heraldnet/Bloomberg
Japan Holds Regional Military Drills -- Voice of America
Thousands of Gurkhas saved from infantry cull as British battalions are axed -- The Telegraph
MoD confirms Olympic missile plans -- Defence Management
Chavez: Venezuela to buy tanks from China -- Washington Examiner
Canada's new military helicopters may not be ready for 5 years -- CBC
BAE Systems nears Oman-Eurofighter deal-sources -- Reuters
Hopes fade for missing two pilots after RAF Tornados crash -- The Telegraph
The Navy’s advanced weapons shopping list -- DoD Buzz
Pressure Vests Not Cure-All to F-22 Oxygen Problems -- Defense Tech
Thales and ASV to develop Unmanned Minewarfare Vehicle -- Navy Recognition
USAF Resumes C-130 Aircraft Ops After Firefighting Crash -- Defense News
U.S. nearing decision on new nuclear arms cuts -- Military Times/AP
Sequestration could force industry to skirt export controls -- The Hill
U.S. Military Perfecting ‘Thinking’ Killer Drone -- American Free Press
The War On Massive Blood Loss -- Strategy Page
'Stolen Valor' Struck Down: Lying About Military Medals Not a Crime -- Reuters
The U.S. Military Presence in Africa: Myth and Reality -- John Campbell, Council On Foreign Relations
US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,896 --