The Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Memphis lost its commander and 10% of the crew to a test cheating scandal uncovered in November 2010. US Navy
Navy Probe: No Truth To Exam-Cheating Claims -- Navy Times
HARTFORD, Conn. — Navy investigators have dismissed allegations that pervasive cheating tainted training exams administered to enlisted sailors and officers in the submarine force, according to documents obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.
The inspector general for the Atlantic submarine force opened an investigation following a complaint that originated in Groton, Conn., the home port of an attack submarine that was hit by a cheating scandal in 2010.
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More News On There Being No Truth To Exam-Cheating Claims In The Navy's Submarine Test
Navy finds no widespread exam-cheating on submarines -- Washington Post/AP
Navy dismisses exam-cheating claims in submarine force -- Stars and Stripes
Navy probe finds no widespread cheating on submarine exams -- USA Today
Navy exam-cheating may fall into 'grey area' -- Christian Science Monitor/AP