A Radio Farda screen shot from July 3 of Iran's irinn.ir website with the polling showing 62 percent of respondents in favor of stopping uranium enrichment to remove international sanctions.
Nearly Two Of Three Respondents In Iran State TV Poll Want Nuclear Enrichment Stopped -- Radio Free Europe
More than 60 percent of the respondents in an opinion poll posted on the irinn.ir website of Iran's state television news channel on July 3 said they were in favor of Iran stopping its uranium-enrichment program in return for the gradual removal of international sanctions.
The poll has been since removed and replaced by another poll about soccer, apparently after the results became apparent and received attention on social media.
Read more ....
Update: Survey: 62% of Iranians willing to stop uranium enrichment -- YNet News
My Comment: If this poll is accurate .... and I suspect that it is .... it is a shocking result, and one that I suspect the Iranian regime was not expecting.