A convoy of Soviet armoured vehicles crossing a bridge at the Soviet-Afghan border, May 21, 1988, during the withdrawal of the Red Army from Afghanistan. Vitaly Armand—AFP/Getty Images
Hidden in Afghanistan: Soviet Veterans of a Previous War Compare and Tremble -- Time
There are only a few of them left — deserters and MIAs of the huge Soviet Red Army divisions sent in to control Afghanistan. But they still remember how it all ended — and worry that the American war will end the same way
Even after three decades, Gennady Tseuma remembers the wavering call to prayer that went up clear over the hillside village. It floated out over the fields and river and pierced the early morning hush on the Bangi Bridge. Tseuma, then a Soviet soldier assigned to a small force guarding the river crossing in northern Afghanistan’s Kunduz province, recalls a feeling of dread when he heard the sound. Like many of the conscripts serving in the Red Army in Afghanistan, Tseuma was bored and undisciplined, and after 10 months of service, curiosity finally got the best of him.
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My Comment: A sobering look on the Afghan situation from their eyes and experiences. I have heard the same thing from my cousins and one of my uncles who served in the Soviet military during their Afghan war .... and sadly .... all of the predictions that they made years ago and which I posted in this blog are now coming true.