Syria Rebels Storm Back Against Assad Forces -- Al Jazeera
Exclusive report from al-Qusayr where an out-gunned Free Syrian Army are making progress against army.
The Syrian town of al-Qusayr, near the border with Lebanon, has been shelled repeatedly for over a month.
The bombardment often goes on for hours, with incoming fire from tank rounds, missiles from helicopter gunships, rockets and mortars, as well as small arms fire.
The Free Syrian Army in this town are hopelessly out-gunned, fighting with only small arms, RPGs and a handful of mortars.
Even so, the rebels are making progress.
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My Comment: If you have the will to fight and sacrifice .... anything becomes possible. In Syria .... the military is fighting to support the corrupt and privileged positions of a select few .... while rebel forces are primarily manned by a citizen army that is made up of .... everyone .... and who are fighting against the corruption and brutality of a select few.
My money is on the citizen army to eventually persevere.