The Coming War -- Benny Morris, The Daily Beast
Over the years, commentators–including myself–have wrongly predicted an Israeli assault on Iran’s nuclear installations coming “soon.” But recent developments and a variety of signs indicate that such an attack is imminent, and highly likely before the American presidential elections.
Last month, in the latest round of talks in Baghdad, Iran turned down a series of international proposals geared to halting Teheran’s headlong rush towards nuclear weapons production that left Western leaders, including President Obama, flustered and deeply worried. The representatives of the Security Council member states plus Germany appear to have agreed to allow Iran to enrich Uranium up to 5% (sufficient for medical research and other civilian purposes) if it agreed to stop its more advanced enrichment to 20%, to halt work on its major new underground enrichment facility at Fordow, near Qom, and to hand over to a third country the tons of 20%-enriched Uranium it has already amassed. The Iranians refused.
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My Comment: The Daily Beast is a liberal publication with ties to the Obama administration. If they are posting commentaries like this one, I can then only assume what the US administration and others may be thinking.