The Prime Minister’s residence in Tokyo has a “war room.” During the a.m. hours of July 11 the room was bustling as government and Japanese
Self Defense Force officials studied intelligence and heard briefings on intrusions of three Chinese navy ships into waters around the Senkaku Islands claimed by Japan as its “exclusive economic zone” (EEZ).
The three Chinese ships had entered Japan’s EEZ waters after 4 a.m. on the 11th. They were met, followed, and ordered out of the EEZ by Japanese Self Defense Force ships. They finally departed just after 8 a.m.
Later in the day, Japan’s deputy foreign minister summoned the Chinese ambassador to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and delivered a formal protest over the Chinese “intrusion.”
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My Comment: Both sides are not going to back down .... thereby resulting in a further souring of relations and a heightening of tensions. Where this is going to go is anyone's guess, but China has territorial disputes with all of it's neighbors, and all of them are mad at China's intentions and territorial ambitions.