Graphics: US Air Force
AFRL Moves Ahead On Bunker-Buster For F-35 -- Ares/Aviation Week
The US Air Force Research Laboratory has awarded two more contracts under the High Velocity Penetrating Weapon (HVPW) program to develop technology for a rocket-boosted bunker-buster that can fit inside an F-35.
Lockheed Martin has been awarded $1.7 million and MBDA $1.3 million, but what they will do for the money has not been revealed. In January, Raytheon received an $11 million contract to develop GPS-degraded guidance technology for the HVPW, including anti-jam GPS, angle-of-attack sensing and RF seeker.
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Update: Air Force to brief industry 4 Oct. on initiative to build 2,000-pound rocket-propelled bunker-busting weapon -- Avionics Intelligence
My Comment: They need to arm the F-35 with something.