The timed explosives that hit the minibus on Tuesday may have been meant for another target. Omar Sobhani/Reuters
Afghan Minibus May Have Been Mistaken Target -- New York Times
KABUL, Afghanistan — A man who had been arrested on suspicion of insurgent activity and then released by the Afghan authorities detonated a remote-controlled bomb along a road outside Kabul on Tuesday, killing at least eight people in a packed minibus, the Afghan police said.
The attack was brazen even by the standards of the war in Afghanistan, where thousands of civilians have been killed in Taliban bombings and, to a lesser extent, coalition raids and airstrikes. The attacker was standing in plain sight with two other men along a busy road to Kabul when he set off the bomb under a small bridge, the police said.
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My Comment: The Afghan civilians who witnessed this mass murder were not amused. This incident certainly puts into doubt this prisoner release program.