Syrian Rebels Feel Abandoned, Betrayed By U.S. -- Washington Post
AL-BAB, Syria — As the Arab world’s bloodiest revolt continues to maim, kill and ravage lives on an ever-escalating scale, anti-American sentiments are hardening among those struggling to overthrow President Bashar al-
Assad, in ways that could have profound consequences for the country and the region in a post-Assad era.
America, once regarded by the Syrian opposition as a natural friend in its struggle for greater freedoms against a regime long at odds with the West, increasingly is being viewed with suspicion and resentment for its failure to offer little more than verbal encouragement to the revolutionaries.
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My Comment: I know that many Syrians do not understand the U.S. position .... the ones that I know certainly do not. But I tell them what I tell those who read this blog .... after Iraq, the U.S. public and leadership have no "willpower" to get involved with treasure and blood in another Middle East war .... and I do not blame them. If US blood and treasure must be shed in the middle East, it will be to protect the oil fields and oil supply routes and that's it.