Syria's Worst Massacre: Daraya Death Toll Reaches 400 -- The Guardian
If opposition group figures are correct, Saturday's action would be worst single atrocity by regime forces in 17-month-old civil war.
Opposition groups in Syria on Tuesday said up to 400 bodies had been found in the town of Daraya, south-west of the capital Damascus, in what appears to be the worst single massacre by government forces in the country's 17-month-old civil war.
At least 200 bodies were found among the Sunni community on Saturday, after Syrian troops stormed the town and carried out house-to-house searches. On Tuesday following the army's withdrawal residents reported the death toll was higher. They said that government troops and pro-government shabiha militia raided some streets 'two or three times', in some cases demanding hospitality and then killing their hosts when they left.
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My Comment: This Washington Post editorial is correct .... this marks a new tactic by the Syrian regime to terrify the civilian population.