Nice Washington Post piece (by Greg Jaffe, of course) on the great COIN counterattack that is the Pentagon’s AirSea Battle.
As scenario work goes, what the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis has done in its war-games has to rank right up there with the most egregiously implausible efforts ever made to justify arms build-ups.
These games, done for Andrew Marshall’s Office of Net Assessment at the Defense Department, enthusiastically embrace what I have long dubbed the exceedingly narrow “war within the context of war” mindset – purposefully zeroing out all outside existing reality that readily contradicts the core operational concepts behind AirSea Battle.
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My Comment: I agree that the Pentagon's war plans are .... to put it mildly .... 'stretching it'. As to what is my take .... if a major U.S. - China conflict should break out .... expect massive mobilization and bloodshed, world economic chaos, and the introduction of tactical followed by strategic nuclear weapons.