Yediot Ahronot's Friday Headline: "The Confrontation"
Intelligence Committee Chair Describes Explosive Confrontation Between Netanyahu and American Ambassador -- Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro allegedly argued over the Obama's administration's Iran policy.
Rep. Mike Rogers, the Michigan Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, says that his much-discussed meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem late last month did, in fact, devolve into an sharp confrontation between Netanyahu and the American ambassador to Israel, the former National Security Council official (and former Obama campaign Jewish liaison), Dan Shapiro.
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Previous Post: Tense Confrontation Between Netanyahu And U.S. Ambassador Over Obama’s Iran Policy Results In A 'Shouting Match'
My Comment: And after this "political confrontation" .... we have this surprising announcement. Is there a linkage .... probably not .... but the coincidence is striking.