Coalition Forces In Afghanistan Work To Prevent Insider Attacks -- Voice of America
ISLAMABAD — Coalition forces in Afghanistan say they are looking for ways to prevent so-called green-on-blue attacks, in which Afghan security forces turn their weapons on international troops.
International Forces spokesman Brigadier General Gunter Katz says several measures are being considered to put an end to the string of fatal insider attacks.
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Bomb attack at funeral in eastern Afghanistan kills 25 -- Reuters
Suicide attack kills at least 20 at Afghan funeral -- AFP
ISAF: U.S. temporarily halts training of Afghan police over attacks -- CNN
NATO vows action on insider attacks in Afghanistan -- Seattle Times/AP
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Unfriendly Fire: Can the U.S. and NATO Prevent ‘Green on Blue’ Attacks in Afghanistan? -- John Wendle, Time
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Obama, Romney campaigns spar over A
NATO vows action on insider attacks in Afghanistan -- Seattle Times/AP
U.S. seeks more scrutiny to stop Afghan insider attacks -- Washington Times
Afghanistan Lacks Resources to Properly Vet Police Recruits --
Hitting Pause in Afghanistan -- New York Times
Unfriendly Fire: Can the U.S. and NATO Prevent ‘Green on Blue’ Attacks in Afghanistan? -- John Wendle, Time
These Special Operators Conduct 'Varsity' Level Operations In Afghanistan's Restive Helmand Province -- Business Insider
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Training key to Afghanistan exit strategy -- Michael Evans, The Australian
U.S. Drawdown Leaves Afghans With Mixed Feelings -- Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson, NPR
Pulling out even more intolerable than Karzai -- Peter Hartcher, Sydney Morning Herald
U.S. seeks more scrutiny to stop Afghan insider attacks -- Washington Times
Afghanistan Lacks Resources to Properly Vet Police Recruits --
Hitting Pause in Afghanistan -- New York Times
Unfriendly Fire: Can the U.S. and NATO Prevent ‘Green on Blue’ Attacks in Afghanistan? -- John Wendle, Time
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Afghans Protest Vengeful Militias -- New York Times
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Obama, Romney campaigns spar over Afghanistan -- Stars and Stripes/L.A. Times
New Zealand Confirms Intentions for Bamyan Withdrawal -- Asia Defense
Kandahar Regional Military Hospital: the premier trauma care center in Afghanistan -- Dvids
Training key to Afghanistan exit strategy -- Michael Evans, The Australian
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