Anti-Japan Protests In China Spread To More Cities -- L.A. Times
More than 1,000 Chinese march in Beijing to protest Japan's plan to buy the disputed Diaoyu islands. Japanese businesses are attacked in several cities.
BEIJING — Anti-Japan rallies spread to dozens more Chinese cities Sunday, as thousands of people demonstrated against the Japanese government's plan to buy several uninhabited islands near Taiwan that China also claims. Protesters marched in front of diplomatic compounds, attacked Japanese businesses and burned Japanese flags.
In the southern city of Guangzhou, demonstrators stormed into the first two floors of a complex that houses the Japanese Consulate, breaking windows in a hotel and smashing a vehicle. In nearby Shenzhen, police fired tear gas and used a water cannon to disperse marchers. Japanese factories, grocery shops, restaurants and car dealerships were reported damaged in a number of cities, including Qingdao.
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More News On Anti-Japan Protests In China
Anti-Japan Protests Mount in China -- Wall Street Journal
China, Japan land dispute worsens -- Newsday
Angst About Japan Island Dispute Builds in China -- Voice of America
Anti-Japan protests in China over disputed islands swell, turn violent -- Washington Post/AP
Chinese protest over disputed islands -- Irish Times
Anti-Japan Protests Spread to Hong Kong -- Voice of America
China-Japan Island Dispute Grows in ‘Blow’ for Global Economy -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Panasonic, Toyota Report Damages in China as Protests Widen -- Bloomberg Businessweek
China aims at Japan's economy in island protests -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
Beijing Mixes Messages Over Anti-Japan Protests -- New York Times
Anti-Japan protests a double-edged sword -- Ko Hirano, Japan Times