Yesterday two very lovely women came by my booth here on Radio Row, where I am broadcasting the show live from Tampa for the RNC. I was told they were military wives and something terrible was happening to them. When I heard their story, I initially did not believe it. When you hear it, you won't believe it either. And I fervently hope that you will contact your elected representatives immediately to do something about it. Because it is a disgrace.
What is happening is that close to 3,000 enlisted men and women are being downsized from the navy. That's right -- downsized. Not fired due to performance, or transferred to another station. They have been given their walking papers in the middle of their stints and told to find something else to do. Go find another house, another job, another health plan.
Read more ....
My Comment: This is outrageous .... and you know that if sequestration kicks in next year .... this situation will be even worse for our military families. Read it all.