Putin Condemns Killing Of U.S. Envoy In Libya, Warns Of Chaos -- Reuters
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday condemned the attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya, calling it a tragedy, and made clear he believed Western support for rebels in Arab countries was leading to chaos.
Putin, who has sharply criticized the United States and NATO for helping Libyan rebels drive Muammar Gaddafi from power and has warned of further bloodshed, said the attack underscored the need for closer cooperation against extremism.
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My Comment: Unlike what is coming out from the White House .... Putin clearly does not believe that it is an obscure video that is causing this crisis .... and he is right. He is also right in predicting that unless there is a change in policy .... there will be more chaos and anarchy in the future.
But Putin is also playing to two audiences in his remarks. One .... he is telling the Americans that their Middle East policy is a disaster, and (2) he is channeling what most Russians (unfortunately in my opinion) always feel when it comes to issues of "anarchy and tyranny". For Russians .... if there is a choice .... and I understand because of their long and bloody history .... most would choose tyranny over anarchy.