State Department Sets Up 24-Hour Monitoring Team For Embassy Crisis -- The Cable/Foreign Policy
The State Department has gone into full-blown crisis mode, organizing a round-the-clock effort to coordinate the U.S. government's response to the expanding attacks on U.S. embassies in the Middle East and North Africa.
"The State Department has stood up a 24-hr monitoring team to insure appropriate coordination of information and our response. In addition, our consular team is working with missions around the world to protect American citizens and issue appropriate public warden information," a senior State Department official told reporters Friday afternoon.
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My Comment: From news media reports .... it looks like the entire Muslim world is enraged .... targeting U.S. government and commercial interests as well as our allies . What's my take .... this has been building up for a very long time .... and radical Islamists are now taking full advantage of this situation to bring about as much mayhem and chaos against us and our allies in the Muslim world.