An incident in Kunar illustrates how NATO's confused approach to counterinsurgency in Afghanistan is failing to meet its objectives.
The intricacies of Afghanistan’s mosaic of tribes, sub-tribes and clans, and its ethnic and sectarian fault lines have befuddled the American enterprise there since 2001. Although U.S. intelligence officials and military specialists have tried to create maps of the power structure in rural areas – including who owes allegiance to the Taliban and who doesn’t – for the most part it’s been a decade-long fool’s errand, since, among other things, those allegiances often change without notice.
That’s why the August 18 drone attack in Kunar province, which killed dozens of Afghans, is so disturbing.
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My Comment: In a society that remembers grievances from decades ago, the U.S. is going to one day experience "blow-back" from these intelligence errors.