Lifting Obama’s Gag Order On Military Chaplains -- Sen. Jim Inhofe and Sen. Roger Wicke, Washington Times
Military Religious Freedom Act defends conscience.
Our Founding Fathers spoke much about the importance of “freedom of conscience” and its underpinning of all other freedoms. In 1803, Thomas Jefferson said, “We are bound, you, I, and every one to make common cause even with error itself, to maintain the common right of freedom of conscience.”
Recent decisions by the Obama administration and Pentagon leaders threaten this common right, and their assault on freedom of conscience raises new and serious concerns — especially for our servicemen and women. Our armed services were created with an apolitical framework, and this unique platform has helped maintain Americans’ trust and respect for the military. Since repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, however, the administration has looked to the military as a way to advocate a liberal social agenda and challenge Americans’ freedom of conscience.
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My Comment: A double standard at play .... you betcha .... and everyone in the military knows that. It should then not be a surprise to the White House when polls like this one are released.