Graphic showing the areas of Mali which are now controlled by AQIM (al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
Finally, A Plan To Prise Mali From al-Qaeda's Grip -- David Blair, Daily Telegraph
The strategy for how to prise northern Mali from al-Qaeda’s grip is slowly emerging. By the end of this year, the Security Council will probably decide to authorise the deployment of an African force consisting of 6,000 troops, funded and supported by the West. Half the soldiers will come from Mali’s national army and half from other African countries. America, France and Britain will supply logistics and intelligence. The force will probably be ready to go into action some time next year. But don’t expect the northern deserts of Mali, which “al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb” (AQIM) and its local allies captured in March, to be freed any time soon.
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My Comment: Considering the vast region that al-Qaeda now controls, I suspect that it will take a long time to 'kick-out' Al Qaeda's soldiers and their sympathizers.