Heartbreak: Four months after his son's death, Tom Logan said he was saddened all over again when a UPS delivery truck brought a letter of condolence from President Obama
Father's Fury At Obama's 'Disrespectful' Form Letter Sent To Him By UPS To Offer Condolences For Son Killed In Afghanistan -- Daily Mail
* Tom Logan angered to receive 'impersonal' condolence letter from the White House four months after son's death in Afghanistan
* Investigation finds the White House has been sending same condolence letters to families of foreign soldiers for years
An anguished father says he was saddened to receive an 'impersonal’ form letter from the president regarding the death of his son in Afghanistan - as it is revealed that the White House has been sending the same exact letters to families of fallen troops for years.
Back in January, Tom Logan, of Willis, Texas, was ecstatic when it appeared that his son, USMC Cpl Joseph Logan, had come home on a surprise visit.
But the man at the door that day was not Joseph. He was a fellow Marine who had come to deliver the heartbreaking news that Mr Logan’s youngest son had been killed in action.
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My Comment: The White House is doing the same mistake that former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld did in 2004 .... proving once again that Washington never learns.
Update: More proof that the political season is now in high gear .... Slain ex-US Navy Seal Glen Doherty's mother rebukes Romney .... daughter disagrees.