U.S. Paid Guards $4 per Hour at Threatened Benghazi Consulate -- Danger Room
There’s fresh evidence that security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was something less than first class. Documents recovered from the grounds of the American mission show that the guards there were paid an hourly rate of 5.21 Libyan Dinars — the equivalent of $4 per hour.
Libya isn’t a wealthy country by American standards. Before the country’s civil war in 2011, the average income was about $12,000, or six dollars per hour for a 40-hour work week. It’s safe to assume that the fighting over the last 18 months has only lowered that average take-home pay.
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My Comment: Paying guards $4 per hour to protect a US diplomatic post that has been targeted with numerous threats .... and for some of these guards they had no weapons. This is NOT how you protect a diplomatic post.