Lara Logan’s War Cry -- Daily Beast
The CBS News and ‘60 Minutes’ correspondent stunned a Chicago audience with her interventionist critique of America’s response to the attacks in Libya. James Warren reports.
When Lara Logan of CBS News stepped before a packed Chicago ballroom last week, she quickly corrected the newspaper editor who introduced her by noting she’d warned him not to “screw up” the introduction.
No, she told the annual lunch of the Better Government Association, she asked him not to “fuck it up.”
That jest set the tone for a provocative address before 1,100 in which the foreign correspondent and 60 Minutes star skewered American policy in Afghanistan and Libya, called for a ramped-up military campaign against terrorists, and criticized the Obama administration and others for both underestimating the Taliban’s strength in Afghanistan and for tolerating Pakistan’s obvious coddling of terrorists killing American soldiers.
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Previous Post: CBS 60 Minutes Reporter Lara Logan 'Rips' Into The White House's Afghan And Al Qaeda Message
More News On Lara Logan's Speech At The Better Government Association
Lara Logan of CBS News on al Qaeda and Afghanistan -- Long War Journal
CBS' Lara Logan Slams US Government And Says The Taliban Is As Strong As Ever -- Business Insider/The Blaze
Logan demolishes myth of 'moderate, gentler, kinder Taliban' -- Examiner
Lara Logan and Barack Obama and a world full of lies -- Washington Times
CBS reporter slams administration for 'major lie' over weakened Taliban -- FOX News
CBS reporter Lara Logan calls for escalation of terror war -- Digital Journal
Lara Logan: 60 Minutes Reporter Openly Blasts Obama For Being Soft on Terrorism -- Policymic
Lara Logan sounds the alarm on Middle East policy -- Human Events
Lara Logan Lifts the Veil on Barack Obama's Failure in the War Against Islamofascism -- Rush Limbaugh
Reports of al Qaeda, Taliban defeats are 'a major lie,' says CBS reporter -- Long War Journal
My Comment: I posted on the story 3 days ago, but it is only tonight that I got the chance to see her entire speech.What's my take .... she knows who and what they are, and she definitely has fire in the belly against Islamic extremism