Air Force Gen. William M. Fraser III, commander, U.S. Transportation Command, rolls out his new five-year strategy Oct. 12, 2012, at Scott Air Force Base, Ill. The strategy is the most comprehensive and collaborative in the command's 25-year history. The heart of the new strategic plan is to ensure United States can deploy, sustain and redeploy its forces as effectively and efficiently as possible. U.S. Transportation Command photo by Bob Fehringer
Marines, Army Stare Into Face Of Future War; Afghan Lessons Relevant? -- Aol Defense
QUANTICO, Va: Even though the administration's strategic guidance swears off "large-scale, prolonged stability operations" while emphasizing air and naval forces, the lessons that ground troops learned in Afghanistan and Iraq will remain vitally relevant, both because we will still do stability operations in the future and because those skills apply to other kinds of conflicts as well, declared a senior advisor to the Marine Corps Commandant.
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As Afghan war winds down, U.S. Army retools training for new threats -- Washington Post
New Strategy to Posture Transcom for Post-war Future -- U.S. Defense Department
New Laser Technology Stirs Nuclear Bomb Proliferation Fears -- Reuters
Hezbollah drone may have been sent to monitor Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona -- McClatchy News
NATO Turns Radar Toward Syria As Turkey Fears Attacks -- Al-Monitor
Indian Army to get its own attack helicopters -- NDTV
No foreign army bases in Egypt: army spokesman -- Reuters
Iraq to Buy Czech Military Planes for $1 Billion -- ABC News/AP
Elbit, Northrop develop new TF/TA system -- UPI
The Other Drone War: Iran and Its Proxies Utilizing UAVs -- PJ Media
Royal Marines arrest: laptop video may provide evidence -- The Guardian
Report: Ukraine Trains Dolphins With Friggin’ Pistols on Their Heads -- Danger Room
Drones should be included in arms reduction treaties, says medical charity -- The Guardian
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Become Lighter, Faster -- National Defense
The Soviet Navy Lives On -- Strategy Page
China's aircraft carrier air operations have started on "Liaoning" (ex-Varyag) -- Navy Recognition
CNO: 2 carriers in 5th Fleet through March --
Washington, Stennis Carrier Strike Groups Operate in Andaman Sea --
U.S., China to Consider Sharing Resources during Joint Missions -- US Department of Defense
Official: DOD Seeks ‘Small Footprint’ in Africa -- US Department of Defense
Darpa’s New Director Wants to Keep the Skies Under U.S. Control -- Danger Room
Panetta Spells Out DOD Roles in Cyberdefense -- US Department of Defense
Google Chairman Points To Dangerous Gap Between Culture, Technology -- Aol Defense
Muslims find ‘Call of Duty’ map offensive, Activision apologizes -- Defense Tech
Laptop built to protect classified docs -- Defense Tech
DoD developing a better dehydrated meat -- Military Times
New app helps military families cut through online bottleneck for faster help -- NBC
Obama's Cool Chills Military Families With Heartless Form Letters --
Justice Dept. sues Vt. over absentee ballots --
Nato troops tell of Taliban firefight inside Camp Bastion -- The Guardian
The U.S. Army Can't Stop Soldiers From Killing Themselves -- Chris Miller and Patrick Bellon, The Atlantic