Official: MRAPs Made Difference In Wars -- USA Today
Data collected from roadside explosions in Afghanistan and Iraq show troops in Mine Resistant Ambush Protected trucks are as much as 14 times more likely to survive the blast than those riding in Humvees, the Pentagon's No. 2 official told USA TODAY.
Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter told the newspaper that the $47 billion spent on the armored trucks have saved lives, allowed troops to gain the upper hand, and will counter the threat from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Asia where they are being shifted.
Carter is scheduled to preside at a ceremony today at the Pentagon to honor those responsible for building and fielding the trucks. Vice President Biden, an early supporter of the truck when he was in the Senate, is also expected to attend.
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Previous Post: MRAPs Have Saved More Than 2,000 American Lives In Afghanistan
My Comment: They have fortunately saved lives .... one can only imagine how high the death toll and casualty rate would have been if it was not for these vehicles.