Advisers: Romney Would Immediately Reverse DoD Cuts -- Defense News
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wants to immediately restore the Pentagon’s base budget to levels proposed by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates in 2012 before last year’s Budget Control Act slashed $259 billion from planned spending, according to campaign advisers.
A Romney administration would allot 4 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) to the defense base budget, said Roger Zakheim, one of the former Massachusetts governor’s senior defense advisers, at an Oct. 11 breakfast with reporters in Washington. Zakheim is on leave from his job as deputy staff director and general counsel of the House Armed Services Committee.
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My Comment: I can only presume that the intelligence budgets will also be spared. Sighhhh .... I have doubts that Congress will go along with this .... even a Republican dominated one. The real threat to American national security is America's approaching fiscal cliff of uncontrollable spending and using borrowed money to pay for it. Trillion dollar deficits are not sustainable .... and spending/borrowing money for huge defense budgets when there is really no existential threat against America dos not make sense to me .... none at all.