Ted Turner: Military Suicides Outnumbering Combat Deaths Is 'Good' -- FOX News
CNN founder Ted Turner, in arguing for a greater role for the United Nations as the world's policeman and condemning U.S. military spending, said recently that rise in military suicides in relation to combat deaths is a "good" development.
Turner made the comments in an appearance on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight." The interview aired Oct. 19, but the comment about military suicides was highlighted Thursday by Brietbart.com.
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Update #1: Ted Turner: 'Good' that U.S. soldiers killing themselves --
Turner made the comments in an appearance on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight." The interview aired Oct. 19, but the comment about military suicides was highlighted Thursday by Brietbart.com.
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Update #1: Ted Turner: 'Good' that U.S. soldiers killing themselves --
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Update #1: Ted Turner: 'Good' that U.S. soldiers killing themselves -- Examiner
Update #2: Ted Turner says it's 'good' U.S. soldiers are committing suicide in large numbers because it proves humans aren't programmed to kill -- Daily Mail
My Comment: The comments are made at 1:30 into the interview. What's my take .... if you watch and listen you can tell that he stopped himself from using the word "terrific" instead of "good". What can I say .... but this is how a human being without a soul thinks.
Update #1: Ted Turner: 'Good' that U.S. soldiers killing themselves -- Examiner
Update #2: Ted Turner says it's 'good' U.S. soldiers are committing suicide in large numbers because it proves humans aren't programmed to kill -- Daily Mail
My Comment: The comments are made at 1:30 into the interview. What's my take .... if you watch and listen you can tell that he stopped himself from using the word "terrific" instead of "good". What can I say .... but this is how a human being without a soul thinks.