Turkey Says Syrian Jet Carried Russian Arms, Drawing Moscow Deeper Into Crisis -- Washington Post
BEIRUT — Turkey claimed Thursday that it had found Russian munitions aboard a Syrian passenger jet forced to land in its capital, Ankara, drawing Moscow into the spiraling Syrian-Turkish tensions that are threatening to erupt into regional war.
Russia demanded an explanation from Turkey for the interception of the Syrian Air plane, which was escorted to the civilian airport in Ankara by Turkish F-16s on Wednesday and detained for nearly eight hours before being allowed to continue on its way without its cargo.
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More News On Turkey Intercepting A Syrian Bound Plane From Moscow
Russia-Syria plane carried 'ammunition' - Turkey PM -- BBC
Grounded in Ankara: The Russian 'munitions' flight that was heading for Syria -- The Independent
Turkish PM says intercepted Syrian plane carrying ammunition -- CBC/AP
Turkey Says Jet Held Military Gear -- Wall Street Journal
Syrian plane 'carried military equipment from Russia' -- The Telegraph
Turkey Says Syrian Plane Contained Ammunition -- Voice of America
Turkey let go Syrian plane after Russian objection -- Times of India
Syria plane 'carried Russian-made munitions' -- Al Jazeera
Turkey to Syria: Don't send arms through our air space -- CNN
Turkey's ammunition claim on Syria plane 'lies' - Damascus -- BBC
Russia says its arms not onboard plane seized by Turkey -- Reuters