U.S. Defense Chief Says Pre-Emptive Action Possible Over Cyber Threat -- Chicago Tribune/Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military could act pre-emptively if it detects an imminent threat of cyber attack, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Thursday, urging stronger action to bolster America's defenses against such plots. In what was described by U.S. officials as the first major policy speech on cyber security by a defense secretary, Panetta lamented under-investment by America's private sector and political gridlock in Washington that he said stymied cyber security legislation. He said a presidential executive order was being considered "while we wait for Congress to act."
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More News On The U.S. Being Willing To Initiate Pre-Emptive Action Possible Over Cyber Threats
US prepares first-strike cyber-forces -- BBC
Pre-emptive cyberattack defense possible, Panetta warns -- CNet News
US can trace cyberattacks, mount pre-emptive strikes, Panetta says -- Stars and Stripes
Panetta warns DoD will respond to destructive cyber attacks -- Federal News Radio
Panetta Unveils Steps to Fight Cyberthreats -- National Journal
Panetta Voices Dire Concerns Of Cyberwarfare Against US; Says Pre-Emptive Action Possible -- International Business Times