President Barack Obama speaks at the dignified transfer ceremony for the U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, and security officers Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty on Joint Base Andrews, Md., Sept. 14, 2012. DOD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo
Obama Weighs Retaliation for Attacks in Benghazi, Libya, That Killed Chris Stevens -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast
As the clock ticks on a decision about whether and how to target suspects in the Benghazi attacks, intelligence officials say the president might lose his shot if he doesn’t act fast. Eli Lake reports.
President Obama has vowed to bring justice to those behind the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, but the president hasn’t chosen what kind of justice that will be. Five administration officials tell The Daily Beast that the White House is now weighing whether to pursue those responsible through law enforcement or via military means like drone strikes or special operations.
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More News On The Terror Attack Against the US Consulate In Benghazi
Attack on U.S. mission in Libya presents legal, policy dilemma for Obama administration -- Washington Post
Exclusive: Libya Cable Detailed Threats -- Daily Beast
Ex-U.S. security team leader in Libya: "We needed more, not less" security staff -- CBS
Former U.S. security team leader in Libya: We told State we needed more security there, not less -- Hot Air
Security dwindled before deadly Libyan consulate attack -- CBS News
Security Team Commander Says Ambassador Stevens Wanted His Team to Stay in Libya Past August -- ABC News
Embassy in Libya sought, and received, extension of security team beyond scheduled deployment -- Washington Post/AP
US embassy in Libya sought extension of “essential” security team -- CNN
Green Beret who led team that was to assess security of diplomatic personnel in Libya says that he and slain Ambassador Christopher Stevens believed more protection was needed -- New York Daily News
State Department Says It Didn’t Cut Security in Libya -- Bloomberg Businessweek
State Dept. to take hot seat over Libya security -- CBS News