The Real Purpose Of The Hezbollah Drone -- Haaretz
Tehran long ago made it clear that hitting the heart of Israel’s nuclear prowess would be a fitting response to any preemptive attack on its nuclear sites.
In taking responsibility for the October 6 dispatch of an unmanned aerial vehicle over southern Israel, Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said: "It is our natural right to send other reconnaissance flights inside occupied Palestine..."
Most analysts assessed the operation was a joint Iranian-Hezbollah undertaking. They accepted that the probable motive was intelligence gathering. But Nasrallah's claim may be a smoke screen. The bulk of Hezbollah's weaponry - rockets, Katyushas, etc. - are in effect low-accuracy "statistical weapons," which have been used mainly against Israeli urban center
In taking responsibility for the October 6 dispatch of an unmanned aerial vehicle over southern Israel, Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said: "It is our natural right to send other reconnaissance flights inside occupied Palestine..."
Most analysts assessed the operation was a joint Iranian-Hezbollah undertaking. They accepted that the probable motive was intelligence gathering. But Nasrallah's claim may be a smoke screen. The bulk of Hezbollah's weaponry - rockets, Katyushas, etc. - are in effect low-accuracy "statistical weapons," which have been used mainly against Israeli urban center
Most analysts assessed the operation was a joint Iranian-Hezbollah undertaking. They accepted that the probable motive was intelligence gathering. But Nasrallah's claim may be a smoke screen. The bulk of Hezbollah's weaponry - rockets, Katyushas, etc. - are in effect low-accuracy "statistical weapons," which have been used mainly against Israeli urban centers. Such weapons do not normally require tactical information, let alone real-time intelligence of the kind supplied by advanced UAVs.
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My Comment: It is going to take more than a drone to have an impact on Israel`s nuclear program.
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My Comment: It is going to take more than a drone to have an impact on Israel`s nuclear program.