How Latin America May Lead The World In Decriminalizing Drug Use -- Alfonso Serrano, Time
Even as the countries of the hemisphere are at the forefront of the war against narcotraffickers, they are also pushing alternative strategies--including the legalization of drugs, particularly marijuana.
Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina has never been soft on crime. The 30-year military veteran rose to power last year on the wings of his law-and-order platform, crystalized in his campaign slogan: “Iron fist, head, and heart.” And he recently approved the creation of two military bases, outfitted with 2,500 soldiers, to guard against the growing presence of drug cartels that have turned Guatemala into a trafficking corridor and fueled some of the world’s highest murder rates.
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My Comment: Decriminalization may not be the panacea that it's advocates may think that it may bring. Drugs were decriminalized in the U.S. at the turn of the last century .... cocaine, heroin, marijuana were available .... but the social and health problems that it brought is why the U.S. changed it's policy to decriminalize drugs. So .... Latin America may end up getting rid of the drug cartels by becoming the producer and distributor of drugs .... but .... if history is any indication .... be prepared for the social and health problems that it will bring about.