US, Afghan Troops Gather For Thanksgiving Day Meal At Governor’s Compound -- VStars and Stripes
KANDAHAR CITY, Afghanistan — Few of the soldiers here thought much about making history as they gathered for the first-ever Thanksgiving Day feast at the Kandahar governor’s provincial compound.
Some 35 GIs and as many Afghans filed into the great dining hall as a mullah’s voice cracked over a nearby loudspeaker, calling the faithful to prayer at the Shrine of the Cloak. Believed to house a piece of the cloak of the Prophet Muhammad, the mosque is the holiest place in Afghanistan for Muslims.
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More News on Afghanistan
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Afghan Suicide Attack Kills 3, Wounds More Than 90 -- AP
Afghanistan truck bomb kills two, foreign troops among 70 wounded -- Reuters
Taliban suicide attack kills two, wounds dozens in Afghanistan -- Deutsche Welle
Afghanistan bomb: 'Two die' in Wardak suicide blast -- BBC
14 hanged in two days – The death penalty in Afghanistan -- Deutsche Welle
Afghan police say Shiite attack thwarted -- AFP
Taliban says bombers and spies forced French retreat -- Space War/AFP
Defence report details green on blue attacks -- ABC News (Australia)
Maternal health gains under threat in Afghanistan -- AFP
Taliban seen as unlikely to overrun Afghanistan -- Cyril Almeida and Hasan Khan, DAWN
US military deaths in Afghanistan at 2,029 -- AP