So I'm giving it some thought on how to reply. Suggestions? [More]Yeah, I have a suggestion. Present the mall manager with a Gun Surrender Protection Contract, adapted from the one I designed to use at "buybacks":
Personal Safety Guarantee
The [Name of Company or Agency: ____________________________] agrees that a special relationship exists between our organization and [Name of Individual Entering Premises Disarmed: _____________________________] by virtue of his/her abiding by our “No Firearms” mandate. Because we have encouraged him/her to be personally defenseless, we hereby agree to assume responsibility for his/her personal safety and protection, and admit liability should we fail in this duty.
And Penn Square Mall, being in Oklahoma, means it's a "one party consent" situation, meaning you ought to be able to lawfully secretly video-record their refusal and post it in on YouTube.
[Via Jeffersonian]