One Pundit's View Of Where The U.S. Election Matters Most

Five Countries Where The U.S. Election Matters Most -- Tony Karon

Superbarrio Gómez ran the most underreported campaign of the 1996 U.S. presidential election. The masked Mexican wrestler turned social activist showed up in New Hampshire during the primary season and declared himself a “candidate” even though his foreign citizenship rendered him ineligible. Decisions affecting the lives of Mexicans are made in the White House, he reasoned, so Mexicans should have a say in choosing its occupant. It’s a sentiment that’s widely shared: two-thirds of the 26,000 respondents from 32 countries in a recent poll believe that the White House has an important impact on their lives, and for that reason, almost half believe they should have a vote in the U.S. presidential election. (If they did, President Barack Obama would be a shoo-in, according to almost every poll.)

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My Comment: What's my take .... most countries do not care what happens in tomorrows U.S. Presidential election. Their lives will not be impacted (and if so it will be minimal), and they are more focused on their own internal situation. Case in point .... my friends and family living in Russia/Ukraine are uninterested, and the Russian media is covering the U.S. Presidential news as a second or third item in the news broadcast. My friends and business associates in China are more concerned about their own leadership change, and what new policies will be implemented (if any). Ditto in South Korea and Japan. My Jewish and Arab friends in Canada and in the Middle East are focused on Syria, and on the ongoing bloodshed that is happening there. All of my European friends .... from England to Greece .... are focused on Europe's dire economic situation and the debt crisis. If there is a country that is focused on the U.S. Presidential election, it is Canada, and in this country the media and most Canadians are lock-step in support of President Obama. Living in Quebec and watching the french media here, they are firmly convinced it is a President Obama landslide tomorrow. As to what is my take on tomorrow's results .... I personally do not see anything changing if Obama or Romney wins. The world's trouble spots will continue to boil, and U.S. power will continue to decline. As for the U.S. itself, it is going to be hit with planned massive tax increases in January, coupled with budget cuts. An agreement will be reached on sequestration .... but this will be only a delaying tactic. Bottom line .... Americans will be faced with another recession brought about by government mismanagement. As for tomorrow's results .... and the one who will be faced with this mess .... if the polls are accurate (tied with a +3%-11% advantage to the Democrats in the voting samples) .... it will be Gov. Romney with a comfortable majority.

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