U.S Navy Cmdr. Louis McCray, left, addresses troops and civil affairs team members during an after-action review following a mission in Farah City, Afghanistan, Nov. 4, 2012. McCray commands Provincial Reconstruction Team Farah. U.S. Navy photo by Lt. j.g. Matthew Stroup
U.S. Military Will Maintain A Considerable Force In Afghanistan, says Lavrov -- Examiner
Sergey V. Lavrov, foreign minister of Russia gave a revealing interview on Russian concerns about U.S. military bases in Afghanistan.
“When the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) fulfilling its mission - what needs to prove (in my opinion, it is un-provable thing) - withdraw from Afghanistan. There will be an American military presence in the form, as it seems, of six quite powerful military bases with total quantity of about 25-30 thousand soldiers. This is considerable force.”
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My Comment: The Russians want to know why the US will continue to maintain high troop levels in Afghanistan after the official 2014 withdrawal .... and they have a point. Keeping 25,000 - 30,000 soldiers backed up with many special forces units tells me that speeches aside, the US is going to stay in the country for a very long time.