Network News -- Joel Brenner, Foreign Policy
Sandy turned off the lights, the phones, and the heat. A cyber attack could make it all happen again.
Verizon's chief technology officer surveyed a flooded major switching facility in lower Manhattan and put it bluntly: "There is nothing working here. Quite frankly, this is wider than the impacts of 9/11." Damage from Sandy is estimated to reach $20 billion, and interrupted phone service is among the least of it. Flooding in New York's century-old subway system is without parallel. Bridges and roads, homes and businesses have been destroyed. Days after the storm, many businesses remain closed, their employees out of work. And tens of thousands are suffering -- cold and in the dark.
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My Comment: Our infrastructure is now dependent on the grid .... as a result, it's shutdown (as we can see in New York City and New Jersey) can be catastrophic.