Why Was There War In Gaza? -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
Why was there an Israel-Gaza war in the first place? Resistance to the occupation, say Hamas and many in the international media.
What occupation? Seven years ago, in front of the world, Israel pulled out of Gaza. It dismantled every settlement, withdrew every soldier, evacuated every Jew, leaving nothing and no one behind. Except for the greenhouses in which the settlers had grown fruit and flowers for export. These were left intact to help Gaza’s economy — only to be trashed when the Palestinians took over.
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My Comment: Charles Krauthammer is unfortunately correct .... this "truce" is only a ceasefire to the next war .... which will happen. My prediction .... the next conflict will happen within 4 years .... probably before the next US Presidential election. And what will happen will be the same as the last one .... rocket attacks and Israeli retaliation.