I went ahead and signed it because people I support asked me to. [Read]
I've been told MAIG has a petition on this working in the opposite direction that's outperforming this effort. I wouldn't take that as a sign of anything more than most gun owners I know don't give a #@!* what Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock believe other than to expose them for the ignorant media bigots that they are, don't see an apology happening after hearing their post-outrage commentary, and wouldn't believe the sincerity of one were it to be offered, because it would truly take a total reversal and conversion on their parts, which ain't gonna happen.
I've been told MAIG has a petition on this working in the opposite direction that's outperforming this effort. I wouldn't take that as a sign of anything more than most gun owners I know don't give a #@!* what Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock believe other than to expose them for the ignorant media bigots that they are, don't see an apology happening after hearing their post-outrage commentary, and wouldn't believe the sincerity of one were it to be offered, because it would truly take a total reversal and conversion on their parts, which ain't gonna happen.