The gun-free zone! [Read]
Or don't.
I don't know if they post against customers as well, but I find their policy against employees to be typical corporate risk management cowardice über alles [who put those bloodless weasels in charge?.
Now that they've made sure their policy has been advertised so thoroughly, they've created such a dangerously attractive environment for predators that I can't justify the risk of putting myself in it, armed or not.
[Via William T]
Or don't.
I don't know if they post against customers as well, but I find their policy against employees to be typical corporate risk management cowardice über alles [who put those bloodless weasels in charge?.
Now that they've made sure their policy has been advertised so thoroughly, they've created such a dangerously attractive environment for predators that I can't justify the risk of putting myself in it, armed or not.
[Via William T]