Grassley ties gun from cartel shootout to central Gunwalker figure
Gillett’s involvement is also significant. Readers who have been following this story since the beginning will recall the post from Clean Up ATF, the whistleblower website established by so-called “dissident” agents, that was the catalysts for Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars and this correspondent to begin looking into allegations that would result in whistleblowers coming forward and blowing the lid off of what the world would learn to be Operation Fast and Furious:
"…Word is that curious George Gillett the Phoenix ASAC stepped on it again. Allegedly he has approved more than 500 AR-15 type rifles from Tucson and Phoenix cases to be “walked” to Mexico. Appears that ATF may be one of the largest suppliers of assault rifles to the Mexican cartels! " [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a strange coincidence for someone who has been tied in with gunwalking since the Clinton era.