Illustration by Greg Groesch for The Washington Times
Drones Over America -- Washington Times editorial
Domestic spying portends surveillance society
Big Sis is watching. Aerial surveillance drones designed to protect the nation’s borders and fight terrorists overseas are turning their electronic eyes on Americans here at home. While gathering intelligence on the activities of suspected lawbreakers, Uncle Sam risks invading the privacy of the law-abiding. A bright line must be drawn between surveillance for legitimate law enforcement purposes and illicit spying that violates Americans’ constitutional right to be left alone.
The threat comes from Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security, which is deploying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), or drones, to assist local authorities with airborne surveillance. It’s also doling out millions in grant cash to encourage small-town cops to buy drones, whether they serve a purpose or not.
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My Comment: What was unthinkable 10 years ago is now becoming policy .... and no one (i.e. ACLU, academia, media, political opponents, etc.) is protesting.