Apocalypse Not Quite Yet -- Christopher Dickey, Daily Beast
The Middle East and North Africa are teetering on the brink.
Notwithstanding sundry doomsday predictions—from the Mayans to Nostradamus and the ever-impending threat of Armageddon—we can now say with some assurance that the world did not end in 2012. The Middle East, however, continues to flirt with the apocalypse.
The revolutions, conflagrations, and confrontations now underway from the Sahara to the Hindu Kush are weakening national governments and calling into question borders that have lingered since European powers carved up the region after World War I. What is holding the map together now has more to do with fear than it does with hope, and if the old order fails, many in the Middle East suspect there may be no order left at all.
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My Comment: All of this regions tribal/sectarian/religious/political differences are coming to the forefront .... and often in a violent fashion. Will 2013 be another violent year for this region .... probably. Will it be apocalyptic .... we will soon find out.