Mike H shares his misadventures trying to get his stolen gun back. [More]
Me, I'd name names. Light has an amazingly antiseptic effect sometimes.
I'd also fire a lawyer who didn't return my calls. This seems like an amazingly straightforward case to resolve -- if the FFL can provide proof of sale by serial number, and Mike says they re-sent it after they initially faxed the wrong one, what's to
I'd also fire a lawyer who didn't return my calls. This seems like an amazingly straightforward case to resolve -- if the FFL can provide proof of sale by serial number, and Mike says they re-sent it after they initially faxed the wrong one, what's to
I'd also fire a lawyer who didn't return my calls. This seems like an amazingly straightforward case to resolve -- if the FFL can provide proof of sale by serial number, and Mike says they re-sent it after they initially faxed the wrong one, what's to argue?
I wonder if it would be a good idea to sic the ATF on them, tell them this particular officer took his gun, he's proven it's his, it still won't be returned, and he now now fears this guns has been stolen by that officer and wants that suspicion investigated...?
I wonder if it would be a good idea to sic the ATF on them, tell them this particular officer took his gun, he's proven it's his, it still won't be returned, and he now now fears this guns has been stolen by that officer and wants that suspicion investigated...?