From Ohioans for Concealed Carry:
The massacre at Sandy Hook has resulted in an aggressive attempt by the gun prohibitionists to use this tragedy to further their goal to take away our right to own certain firearms.
ABC Channel 6 out of Columbus, Ohio will hold a town hall, which is expected to be picked up and broadcast by numerous stations across the United States, to bring together advocates from all sides to discuss wh
ABC Channel 6 out of Columbus, Ohio will hold a town hall, which is expected to be picked up and broadcast by numerous stations across the United States, to bring together advocates from all sides to discuss what can or should not be done.
The town hall will be TONIGHT - Thursday, December 20th, from 7:00pm until 8:00pm at the Ohio State University Union. You can attend in person or watch the event online.

Regardless of what has been parroted by those talking heads on television who believe that banning a subset of the types of firearms available to citizens, many of them argue that they're not asking to ban "all guns." They fail to realize that all of the firearms used in the Sandy Hook massacre were lawfully owned in a state that has an existing Assault Weapons Ban.
Passing "do nothing" legislation isn't going to stop bad people from killing others. Those who have been salivating to take away your right to own firearms in one way or another are literally salivating over this tragedy, including CNN's Piers Morgan who admits he's gleeful that the tragedy happened:
Responsible gun owners are devastated over the loss of life while simultaneously realizing that no amount of gun control could have prevented this or future horrific massacres.
We highly encourage you to attend if you can fit this event into your schedule, watch it online, and share this story with your friends and colleagues via social media
Derrick DeBrosse is a practicing attorney with Barney & DeBrosse, LLC. and has represented Ohioans For Concealed Carry in civil litigation against cities that have refused to comply with Ohio's statewide preemption statutes. DeBrosse has also worked with Ohioans For Concealed Carry to reform Ohio's concealed carry laws in the Ohio Legislature.