Remember when President Obama said four years ago that he would helm “the most transparent administration in history”? So much for that.
I’m amazed that so few Americans — most notably, so few liberals — have protested his secretive remote-control assassination program. Drones have killed 3,000 people in Yemen and Pakistan, including collateral-damage civilians, but the actual numbers are secret. So is the process. We don’t know anything about the rules of engagement, how people wind up on Obama’s hit list, who reviews the evidence, and what criteria are applied to that evidence.
The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states that “No person shall be . . . deprived of life . . . without due process of law.” Drones are inimical to due process. It would be nice to know how the administration’s lawyers have addressed that conundrum in legal memos. Those memos exist, but they remain classified. The Obama team is reportedly writing rules for itself, a set of standards and procedures, but we may never know whether these rules are scrupulously followed, or even what they are.
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My Comment: It is not only the 'drone wars' that liberals have been silent on .... it is also on other issues. Not closing Guantanamo. The lack of info on U.S. run prisons in Afghanistan. No protests on the White House agreem
I’m amazed that so few Americans — most notably, so few liberals — have protested his secretive remote-control assassination program. Drones have killed 3,000 people in Yemen and Pakistan, including collateral-damage civilians, but the actual numbers are secret. So is the process. We don’t know anything about the rules of engagement, how people wind up on Obama’s hit list, who reviews the evidence, and what criteria are applied to that evidence.
The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states that “No person shall be . . . deprived of life . . . without due process of law.” Drones are inimical to due process. It would be nice to know how the administration’s lawyers have addressed that conundrum in legal memos. Those memos exist, but they remain classified. The Obama team is reportedly writing rules for itself, a set of standards and procedures, but we may never know whether these rules are scrupulously followed, or even what they are.
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My Comment: It is not only the 'drone wars' that liberals have been silent on .... it is also on other issues. Not closing Guantanamo. The lack of info on U.S. run prisons in Afghanistan. No protests on the White House agreem
The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states that “No person shall be . . . deprived of life . . . without due process of law.” Drones are inimical to due process. It would be nice to know how the administration’s lawyers have addressed that conundrum in legal memos. Those memos exist, but they remain classified. The Obama team is reportedly writing rules for itself, a set of standards and procedures, but we may never know whether these rules are scrupulously followed, or even what they are.
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My Comment: It is not only the 'drone wars' that liberals have been silent on .... it is also on other issues. Not closing Guantanamo. The lack of info on U.S. run prisons in Afghanistan. No protests on the White House agreement with the Afghan government to have a U.S. military presence in Afghanistan for the next decade. Involvement in numerous African conflicts. And .. of course .... the Benghazi consulate attack mess. If George Bush was in the White house .... these same people will be screaming bloody murder 24/7.This administration .... total silence.
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My Comment: It is not only the 'drone wars' that liberals have been silent on .... it is also on other issues. Not closing Guantanamo. The lack of info on U.S. run prisons in Afghanistan. No protests on the White House agreement with the Afghan government to have a U.S. military presence in Afghanistan for the next decade. Involvement in numerous African conflicts. And .. of course .... the Benghazi consulate attack mess. If George Bush was in the White house .... these same people will be screaming bloody murder 24/7.This administration .... total silence.