Why Won’t Morsi Back Down? Read His Resume -- New Republic
From the moment that tens of thousands of Egyptians took to the streets to protest President Mohamed Morsi’s power-grabbing constitutional declaration, western journalists largely assumed that Morsi would back down. From their vantage point, criticism of Morsi’s move from within his own government, threats of judicial strikes, and the sheer magnitude of popular anger could force Morsi, in the words of The New York Times, “to engage in the kind of give and take that democratic government requires.” So when Morsi met with judges on Monday evening and promised that his newly declared powers only applied to ill-defined “acts of sovereignty,” both the Times and The Washington Post reported that Morsi had accepted limits on his power.
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My Comment: In all of my years of following global news and events .... I have never seen a hard-core Islamist back down .... and I can understand why they cannot .... because to do so would compromise their beliefs and in their commitment to God. In the case of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, it is easy to predict that he will not compromise .... because as far as he is concern, he is on a mission from God.